Atomistic description of conformational changes in proteins from pico to millisecond timescales
Virtual screens and de-novo ligand design via free energy calculations
Research in the Michel lab is focussed on quantitative description of protein-ligand interactions. This is pursued through development of biomolecular simulation software and algorithms, and biophysical measurements to characterise the structure, dynamics and thermodynamics of protein-ligand interactions.
Latest News
Wellcome to Silvia
The group is happy to host visiting PhD student Silvia Menin from the University of Padova. Silvia is working in the group of Prof. Stefano Moro in collaboration with...
Young Modellers Forum 2024
Congratulations to Finlay Clark for winning a prize for his talk on ''Automated Adaptive Absolute Binding Free Energy Calculations'' at the 28th Young Modellers Forum meeting in Oxford, November 29th...
New academic year update
The group welcomes new PhD students Benedict Tan and Roy (Haolin) Du. Benedict is working on a molecular glues design project, in collaboration with the Centre for Targeted Protein Degradation...
Congratulations to Finlay
Congratulations to Finlay Clark (3rd year PhD student) who has been named the 2024 winner of the Charles Rupert McIntyre Prize ! You can read more about Finlay’s achievements here...
Meet our group members